Whole Life Insurance is insurance that stays in place for the duration of your life. There are several advantages of whole life insurance that make it a preferred insurance choice for many people. The first is that whole life insurance accrues a cash value, which can be paid out upon death, or at a certain age. Whole life insurance is not just insurance, it is an investment which can be borrowed against, and as long as you keep up with the premiums, will stand the beneficiaries in good stead.
While whole life insurance may initially be more expensive than term life insurance, in the long run it can be less expensive. Whole life insurance is regarded as an investment, and as such, may pay dividends throughout the life of the policy. These dividends can be used to pay down the premiums, or in other nominated ways that can mean that you save money in the long haul.
Whole term life insurance policies can be paid out as a lump sum, or in monthly payments, so there is some flexible for policy holders who do not wish for their policy to be spent irresponsibly. There are also now a large range of various policies which allow customers to pick and choose conditions that suit them them best.
Due to the expansion of the insurance industry, you are well advised to look at your own needs and desires critically, to make sure that the package you end up signing for suits your needs best, and does not carry superfluous costs which will not benefit you at all.
If you are looking for whole term life insurance, be sure to look around various companies, and to request quotes online. These save you both time and money, and are well worth the effort when you consider the magnitude of the investment you could be making, and the importance of the cover to your loved ones.